A free VDM Brushes asset pack for Blender 3D sculpting.
What you get:
- A .blend file containing 26 VDM Brushes:
- 6 Square Brushes (with various edge falloff types)
- 7 Point Brushes (with various edge falloff types)
- 1 Stitches Brush
- 4 Tab Brushes (with various edge falloff types)
- 8 Gouge Brushes
- Bonus: Tridot Brush
How to use these assets: These assets can be used one of two ways.
- Method 1 – Place the .blend file into your Asset Library Path. Doing this will make the assets available in the Asset Library for all projects.
- An instructional .pdf has been included in the downloads to go over this process.
- Method 2 – Open the provided .blend file, and begin sculpting. All of the brushes can be found in the Asset Library while in sculpt mode.